Emotional Intelligence and the Culture of Control
The modern era we currently reside in can be described as the Culture of Control. As described in "Humanity at it's Knees," this epoch was engineered the moment Man began separating himself from nature by means of attempting to control it. This is rather significant as it signals humanities conscious choice to implement a program of hierarchy. Within hierarchy we find comparisons, lack, resentments, blame, shame, and other vibrational violences. We call these Shadow Data.
Within the Culture of Control, humans have a fascination with assigning roles or labels to all feelings and sensations. Man does this in reaction to his deep need to control and accommodate comfort. Because of this, Man delegates all emotions in two major categories: fear/aversion or lack/craving. Rarely does Man allow an emotion to express itself within its now moment. It seems everything is assigned a role and a label. This gives Man the false idea that he is in control.
Fern Principles, such as 'Ae Ha'a (Divine Glee), and Makali'i (Divine Euphoria), are examples of emotions which are met with a sense of lack or craving. Man feels he does not have enough, wants more, and is fixated on how to control it to make it stay or to proliferate it. On the other spectrum, we have Palai Hinahina (Divine Grief), or perhaps Pe'ahi (Divine Chaos) with whom Man will avoid, or reject, and react with aversion. Because this pathological interplay with our true emotions is experienced, the Human Emotion is not allowed to express itself and Man does not receive the integration. This is perhaps the most dangerous practice of control.
If emotions are pure energy, which they are, then Mankind has been the architect of our own blockage of experiencing holy emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the key to understanding consciousness itself. Too many wander Earth Reality as empty ghosts, constantly in defense, surviving the imaginary enemy. Humanity must learn to integrate once again. Humanity must acknowledge our birthright of emotional integration. We must allow our emotions to express themselves as they wish, absent of control. Today, due to our saturated conditioning, this is extremely challenging. The truth of our emotions, and the truth of our existence, is far too uncomfortable and many placate it as suffering. We are a species pathologically escaping our true emotions. This is the Culture of Control.
The Culture of Control is synthetic. It, itself, does not hold quality. It is dense with trauma (synthetic trauma). This compromises our fluidity, and the longer we allow this pathology to fester, the more we stunt or altogether paralyze flow. In Fern Medicine we call this a Flow-Fossil.
All other species on this plain have no aversion to the immediate reality. Nothing is harmful, everything is acceptable. All other species recognize the Now Moment. Friends, this is our great work and our greatest victory, to unite duality within the place of Emotional Intelligence. The Hawaiian elders would say Ao ʻOiaʻiʻo (Earth Reality) is the only expression of Emotion. Know this well. Here, you understand just how monumental the gift of this emotional reality is. Receive, integrate, and express your emotions: know this can only be experienced when we allow the emotion to express itself in it's natural, un corrupt energy. This is the wholly, and the holy. The forbidden gospel of St. Thomas reads "If thought and emotion make peace with eachother in this one house (you), they will say to the mountain "move away!" and it will move away."