Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine

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Gentle 'ULU: 'Ulu of the Divine Feminine

  • Spa Montage Kapalua Bay 1 bay drive Lahaina, Hawaii USA (map)

ALOHA! Join us for another amazing, incredile mystic ‘ULU offering


Primordial pre-polynesian Hawaiian movement, breath, and sound

The practice of ‘Ulu is perhaps the oldest known movement exercise of the ancient Hawaiian people knows as the Mū.
In ‘Ulu, we stimulate the Iwi Kuamo’o, the spinal cord, resourcing various movement disciplines which flex the spinal cord. The inclusion of breathing exercises are supportive in shifting energy throughout the body and the auric field immediately surrounding the body.
We resource sound as a tool to activate our nervous system, DNA, cells and chromosomes which we believe to store sacred codes and memory.

In this particular 2-hour ‘Ulu workshop our focus will be on the feminine, the X chromosome, intuition, and a tender approach to stimulating the nervous system. For this reason, we call this unique class “Gentle ‘Ulu.”

Co facilitated by Pōhala Botanicals founder, Ke’oni Hanalei, who inherited this wisdom from his grandmother, Kau’ikeonalani and his Mū-Hawaiian lineage, we will integrate plant medicine while practicing these ancient rites. Plant medicine is incredibly important as it is a reminder of our purity and innocence.

Also facilitated by Jules Gard of Maui. Jules is a YogaSomatic Movement teacher and a Vibro-Acoustic bodyworker. She will be offering alchemy of Movement & Tibetan Singing Bowls that have been infused with sacred mantra to facilitate healing & wholeness on all levels of your being as you open and receive them.

This workshop is open to BOTH men and women. In fact, we encourage our brothers to explore their Divine Feminine!

Participants may choose to receive a free mini facial featuring Spa Montage estheticians and the high end, high quality VALMONT apothecary line. This offering is held from 5pm-7pm and directly proceeds our class. A great combo!

registration is through Spa Montage by way of EVENTRITE
please click on this link to register!:

We so look forward to sharing with you!

Aloha na mea ‘āpau (everything is loved)

Ke’oni and Jules

For more on Ke’oni and Pōhala please visit website: