Many are feeling this immense shift the human collective is currently experiencing. In ancient lore it is knows as “Hanana,” or “The Event.”
The Hanana is a consciousness correction by way of source pulse. This pulse is re-calibrating and tuning our nervous system, our DNA, and the way our spirit interacts with the world of material.
Of all our precious tools, it is the human emotion which will assist in this transition and into ultimate transcendence. Fern Medicine is all about emotional intelligence. This intelligence is not so much intellectual as it is a Knowing . The knowing is THE material and essence of ALOHA MĀ, self-reflective love. This is a very profound moment for all of us!
Fern Medicine by way of Mū lineage has volunteered to assist us now. Lets show up and receive!
Mystic ‘Ulu is an incredibly ancient form of breath and movement which has existed in the Northern Pacific for millenia and pre-dates Hawaiian Lua and Hula. ‘Ulu is a practice used by the primary civilizations of Mū (and Lemuria) to adjust spirit into physical matter, harmonizing the two entities. All codes and memory are stored in the DNA. This is the template and the blue-print of the Human Event. In order for us to re-affirm our Kiakahi (purpose and meaning) we are invited to read our DNA, by way of our nervous system, as if it were braille. Primordial cultures of our past did not leave written history because all things were stored in the DNA. This ensured no distortion and no mistranslations.
This special event workshop will feature Ke’oni Hanalei, founder of Pōhala Botanicals, alchemist, cultural practitioner, and Mū historian.
With special guest Marni Suu Alohilohi Reynolds of The Sacred Collective (, who will be blessing us with cosmic sound and singing bowls!
Workshop to be held at private location in Moloa’a. Upon registration you will receive directions and instructions.
Workshop fee is : $54.00
To register, please visit the link on this website Workshop Registration
Upon registration you will receive an email with workshop specifics.
TO register please visit “workshop registration” link on this website, or click the link at the very bottom
This is a three and one half hour lecture and interactive workshop with Pōhala founder, Ke’oni Hanalei. Topics for discussion will be:
The lineage of Mū Culture
Aloha Mā, “self-reflective love”
‘Ike, genesis, of Fern Medicine (Principles of Aloha)
Feminine/Masculine aspects of Fern Medicine
Interactive activities to include:
Mystic ‘ULU, primal breath and movement (Nā,ū)
Movement and breathing techniques to stimulate telepathy (Ho’omola, Kūlana)
‘ULU of the Hui Wāhine (Feminine/Women’s Coven)
‘ULU of the Hui Kāne (Masculine/Men’s Coven)
‘ULU is supported by varying sound notes, tones, timbre, pitch
We will explore the ‘ULU of both masculine and feminine.
Stimulation by way of the wāwae and kāia, Hana (action), musical note of the Zo hyphesis/ Di Diesis (B flat/G sharp) transient vibrato. 466.16hz
Stimulation by way of the ‘Ā’ī and Hola, ‘ume (pause), musical note of the Ga-Vu hyphesis(F flat) ;chord krushendo 739.99hz.
Fern Medicine to be incorporated:
Feminine: POMOHO - Divine Emotional Illumination (full disclosure)
Masculine: LAUA’E - Divine Emotional Beauty (Expansion)
Attendees are encouraged to bring water and snacks, although some will be offered at the workshop.
Please bring yoga mats, or something similar to sit on and also do movement practices.
All ages are welcome!
Pōhala medicinals will be offered for sale at workshop!
Mahalo nui loa, Kaua’i, the land of the Leina a Kī, the Earth Stargate. This island is so precious to me. I consider Kaua’i my Grandmother and my place of activation. I marvel at how well preserved the mana, the creative life-force, is on this sacred island and so I come with much reverence and humility as I share this primordial medicine which has been handed down to me by my elders and their elders before them.
I am looking forward to seeing you in beautiful Moloa’a!
~Brother Ke’oni
Registration link: