REPLAY The Lineages: DRACO (Mata-Roro)
REPLAY The Lineages: DRACO (Mata-Roro)
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In Ancient Mū, we have the 4 primary primordial lineages.
Mata-Roro, Draco, is the oldest. We gather that Draco is the oldest because it is responsible for the experiment of Time itself. Amongst its other experiments are Ritual and Death
Draco, MATA-RORO, is PART 1 of a 4 part series in which we will explore the experiments of the primary primordial lineages whom seeded the intelligence of humanity on Earth.
(alpha draconis thuban)
Facilitated by PŌHALA founder Ke’oni Hanalei
Special Guest: Kumu Bradford Ikemanu Lum
In Mū, humanity has been seeded 4 primary lineages.
1- Mata-Roro (DRACO)
2-Hōkūle’a (ARCTURUS)
3-A’ā (SIRIUS)
4-Makali’i/Matari’i (PLEIADES)
Each primary lineage carries the responsibility of an “experiment.” This tells us that our reality is based on the recognition, participation, completion and exultation of these experiments.
In this 2.15 hour virtual workshop, we will explore the three experiments of the Draco Lineage
1- Time
Lets explore this lineages correlation to Mo’o Kiha ~ “reptilians” ~ and what that means in our ancient past and what that means today in our contemporary world. How have the “reptilians” been translated during the changing ages.
Draco is also the celestial apparition of Dragon and Serpent energy. How is dragon/serpent energy coded in the experiments of Time, Ritual, Death?
The objective of this virtual, interactive workshop is to translate the Draco lineage in a relatable, practical way to which we can apply the highest quality of these experiments in our experience here on Earth.
1st part of virtual workshop will include a ceremonial toning by esteemed Hawaiian Kumu Bradford Ikemanu Lum followed by our community assessment of the lineage of Draco, its lore, and review and integration of its 3 experiments.
2nd part of Virtual workshop will be a ‘ULU design which will assist in further grounding the awareness of the highest qualities of this lineage.
’Ulu is a 20,000 year old breathing and movement method of the Mū. Facilitator Ke’oni Hanalei will guide us through this process.Part 3 of the Virtual workshop will be our community sharing portion which offers the space for participants to share experiences, memories, insights and pose questions relating to the topic.
Stay TUNED for the Part 2, 3, and 4 of the LINEAGE series.
Registration for these coming soon…We perceive the exploration of Primary Primordial lineages not to be political in any way. This is an exploration and remembrance of our ho’omaka’ana (ORIGINS).
We ask that all whom attend and participate do so with great respect to the sacred doctrines of our origins free of the misconceptions which dominate our understandings today .We look forward to seeing you on May 14th!
ALOHA MĀ,Ke’oni Hanalei
Kumu Bradford Ikemanu Lum
The Lineages of MATA ROROIf, for any reason, you do not receive the replay link email after purchase please let us know! :
Fun Videos detailing philosophies relating to Draco/Mata Roro