Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine

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A Protocol of Legacy: Cosmic Genealogy

A Protocol of Legacy: Cosmic Genealogy


A three-part virtual series
Hosted by Ke’oni Hanalei
Where: virtual zoom

*THIS SERIES IS RECORDED w/REPLAY access offered to all whom register
Your Purchase is for REPLAY access of all three ceremonies

Part 1 ~ The Legacy of the Previous Universe, Mā-Rā-Nā

Part 2 ~ Human Legacy and LE-MU-RI-A

Part 3 ~ The Transference and/or Completion of a Legacy

(for greater detail into each segment, read below)

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It is a time of bifurcation. Like the splitting of an atom, we have progressed to a point where our current position cannot host the energetic augmentation. The rational and, perhaps, essential question is “before we make this bifurcation, what are we splitting?” Insert the conversation of LEGACY. Humanity, in our organic, is a legacy and the only objective of legacy is to endure, perhaps by replication or maybe by a kind of energetic perpetuation. We consult words like lineage in order to make sense of this unconscious force that informs us to endure. The path of endurance has led to immense attachments, possessions, and unshakable fears.

At the point of bifurcation, most are actually paralyzed.

I became informed on the necessity of this series from the previous two I have facilitated ~

This leads me to believe that A PROTOCOL of LEGACY is part of a sophisticated trilogy of energies culminating to an orientation of the true meaning of why we are all here, as humans, and what the mechanics of this universe is all about. I realize how provocative this may all seem, yet I am propelled by a mysterious, yet generous and friendly, force that has noted humanity to be in a severe blackout, unwilling to grasp the quality ,and even law, of LEGACY.
(Note: you do not need to experience LYRA or SYMBOLS ceremonies in order to engage and enjoy A Protocol of Legacy)

The Mū Doctrines are mainly informed, and refreshed, in the human spinal cord. The spinal cord, and the liquids of the cerebrospinal fluids, is the archive. Humanity seems to have a very unique relationship with our spinal cord. Lets continue to explore this. Why? Humanity also seems to be unique in how complex we translate our reality. It sometimes seems we are masochist who must produce, and then endure, the most horrific perceptions of reality in order to come to certain conclusions. Why are we designed to do this? Humanity takes free-will to the extremes. Often times, I felt it to be mere uninhibited curiosity — other times, I feel it as a cosmic law to test the design of the organic with the forces that may and will destroy it. Is our reality the only expression to experience pressure?

We remember that humanity has fallen out of frequency with the energetic, and the landmass, known as MŪ/Lemuria. MŪ still exists. Mū is not lost, we are. The vanishing of Mū is an indication of our incompatibility to properly represent, much less transfer divine Legacy. The true energetics of Mū will reorient all of us. Throughout this series, we will reference the vanishing and reappearance of Mū/Lemuria.

CLICK HERE to watch a informative interview with myself and Heather Ensworth regarding the vansihing of MŪ

We begin with an examination of the archives we can access regarding the previous universe. Even suggesting previous tells us it may or must have experienced a kind of completion. This is pivotal for it to behave as a kind of example for us now. I will share everything I know, and remember, about Mā-rā-nā, and invite all contributions, so we can arrive at a coherent conclusions of that legacy.

Next, lets observe our current reality. What are the themes that inform us. Within these contemporary themes, we will locate two forces: malevolent and benevolent. It is the nucleus, or homeostasis, of these forces that will reveal, potentially, a perspective of our current legacy. In the bifurcation, we must be fluent in LEGACY in order to proceed, and to ensure proper transference and possible completion.

I am also contemplative of how and why, specifically, human beings seem to be in this sphere of awareness, and potential responsibility. Without plunging into arrogance, lets also dance with the idea that humanity, perhaps, hosts a kind of legacy responsibility.

And, finally, what is the potential of Legacy transference and completion? Subdued and seduced in possession culture, a legacy can never be properly transferred or completed. We risk engineering a loop and perpetual experimentation with no objective of actual completion. We can already sense this in humanities current addiction to processing and healing, an unwillingness to complete or to recognize when a completion is accomplished.

Part 1
The Legacy of the Previous Universe

In the doctrines of Mū, and in the archives of the Spinal Cord, we remember the near inconceivable essence of this mysterious universe. The only relic that remains is the octopus. He’ehaunawela, the only vestige of that previous universe, is believed to exist in our current universe for the sole purpose of transferring the legacy of that universe into ours. This feat, alone, tells us that Legacy is a succession that is transferred from one expression to another. As our current universe is connected, there is a macro web of connection that occurs beyond this expression, and that to which unites is LEGACY.

  • What and who is He’ehaunawela, the Octopus

  • What does the Body and Behavior of the octopus tell us about the LEGACY of the previous universe

  • Can we fathom was the previous universe inherited from it’s predecessor? If so, can we locate a theme within this succession? What is informing Legacy itself!?

  • How is Octopus energy experienced in the cosmos? The form of the Octopus, on Earth, is merely a expression of it in relation to the Organics of this planet. We must allow that perspective to expand into the mechanics of the entirety of our known universe. How far can we go with this?

  • How to reorient into the fluency of the spinal cord.

  • How can we withstand the merging of universal memories without experiencing total collapse, or psychosis events?

  • The spinal cord is the oscillation of life. This means it does honor, and resource, linear perceptions. In most organic humans, there are 33 vertebrae, 33 codes. The speed of this becomes the Wat-Eht, alpha-omega. Lets discuss the mechanics of the spinal cord!

Part 2
The Organic Human and Legacy
corrections as to restore the legacy of LOVE

Lets consolidate into the heart, the Heart of the Matter. Where is humanity right now? When is the last time humanity paused? It seems a pause is necessary in order to orient ourselves into true perception of who and what we are, not just as the individual sentient, but of this collective whole that is moving and progressing into something we cannot yet grasp, but call future.
Lets discuss the mechanics of the heart. There are 4 chambers of the heart that inform humanity is a very profound, yet unconscious way. The vortex of the heart is the most basic, fundamental, and relatable perception of true cosmic-spiral energy. True cosmic-spiral energy is so gigantic it is hard to grasp, this is why the heart is our most practical, and relatable, example of it. Once we grasp the function of the heart, in a holistic perception, we grasp the function of the Universe. HUGE!

From here, we can begin to lean into the information of organic human lineages, and to reference it to the bigger picture.

MŪ/LEMURIA is undetectable because humanity has fallen out of frequency of it. Our skill of reorienting into this specific vibration will determine the perseverance of cosmic legacy. This whole process is a bio-psychic-mythic software of incredibly sophisticated engineering. And, we’re the engineers!

From this, micro-to-macro, we can locate the LEGACY of this current universe. Once this is located, and trusted, we can organize, orient, and properly honor the memory of LEGACY. This doesn’t need to be complex.
Most, if not all of us, remember LOVE to be the greatest vibration in our entire universe. All things converge at love. If this is so, how can we begin to translate it as an actual LEGACY. This conversation is not only crucial, it’s everything…

  • In the Mū doctrines, what do we remember of the significance of the human heart?

  • The human heart is coded with 4 corrections that must be accomplished in order to restore LOVE. What could this be?

  • What is the connection with the heart of the octopus and that of the heart of the human?

  • Lets discuss “Lemuria” and how the word, and the energy of the word, is actually a roadmap into the mechanics of the heart and how to restore love

  • What is required to restore MŪ/LEMURIA as the frequency of humanity?

  • Human, genetic lineages ~ species lineage ~ Star Lineages The Grand Web of lineages

  • Individual legacies. Lineal legacies. Lets explore how the perception of an individual legacy can compliment, and even honor, the legacy is this entire universe. We will all meet one another in/at the same exact space.

The form of the human heart is a code of Legacy. Unfolding the heart reveals that it truly functions like a hydraulic vortex with incredible consequences.

Part 3
The Transference and/or Completion of a Legacy

In order to fully innerstand the potential complexity of a universal legacy, each one of us gets to discern the perception of our very own, unique, legacy meant for completion. Once this has become remembered, and in our true activity of accomplishing it, we are best equip to engage in the collective legacy. In the family film Lilo and Stitch, the endearing quote, mentioned throughout the story, is “ohana means no one gets left behind.” Truly, this is how we interact. It will require every one of us to come into our own fluency of legacy in order to accommodate and compliment the full potential of universal Legacy. This is how we come into the authority of it as well.
In the energetics of Mū, Lemūria, most, if not all, are not compatible to the frequency of Mū. Mū is preserved in the Legacy of humanity and the cosmos. Those of us who cannot conceptualize or embody this frequency find it undetectable even though it exists in plane sight. Our conversation graduates into the simplification of the complexity of LOVE/ALOHA.
If humanity has been selected, in archaic consent, to transfer the legacy of this universe into the next and to perpetuate the succession of Legacies, we should not exceed this bifurcation until we can grasp the totality of this conversation — we risk behaving like cosmic juveniles governed by urgency, shame, greed, and possessions.

From the spinal cord to the heart, and located in the center of the folded heart is the relic of the ultraviolet base composite, LIGHT. Our journey will birth our awareness of LIGHT.

  • How to perceive the individual legacy and how to transfer that as a compliment to the universal legacy

  • The emergence of MŪ/LEMURIA as indication of the compatibility of Legacy

  • what occurs upon the transference?

  • What is the bifurcation we are faced with, now?

  • Playing with Legacies — Organic/Mecha

  • The sophistication of refreshing a legacy

  • Diplomatic detachment

  • Upon registering, you will receive an email with LINKS to all three replays

  • please EMAIL us to let us know (include the name you registered under, or your confirmation code) if you do not receive the email with replay links an hour or more after registering

a mention on Authority…

….Look, we all have the inherent authority to share what we know and remember, and even what we imagine. For me, everything I share, proliferate, expose, and express is also supported by 20,000 years of ancestral legacy. My relative, Mahat, who lived in 18,000BC, curated and enforced a sophisticated software of archiving the human condition. My family have preserved this precious line. This line, to which I have access to, has been uncorrupt, and undisturbed for over 1,017 generations. My access stems from a time where war did not exist. I humbly consent to be informed by this place where data and information was not diluted by the non-essential complexities of war. I am very confident in my approach to share these archives, with the goal to activate your own. I truly feel that I not only have access to this archive, I am this archive. It is by way of my inherent authority that I generously share with the masses. Mahalo and ALOHA MĀ

Depiction of Mahat, my ancestor who, in 18,000BC, refreshed my entire lineage and meticulously began to unlock the genealogy from the spinal cord. It is Mahat who we revere as that founder of our contemporary lineage. Mahat, from the black out, reintroduced LEGACY into my personal lineage, and inspired that in the collective whole. Mahalo, Mahat!

The only objective of this entire series is to restore humanity into LOVE. This is an exploration and remembrance of our ho’omaka’ana (ORIGINS).
We ask that all whom attend and participate do so with great respect to the sacred doctrines of our origins free of the hostile belligerencies that tend to dominate our processes today .


Ke’oni Hanalei
pono e ola ka ho’oilina
The Legacy must Live!

Questions? EMAIL US