Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine

Workshop Registration

REPLAY The Lineages Series: Pleiades (MAKALI'I)

REPLAY The Lineages Series: Pleiades (MAKALI'I)


Makali’i ~ Pleiades Virtual Ceremony
W/special Musical Guest Tiko

Your Purchase is for REPLAY access to this virtual ceremony
* After purchase, you will receive an email with replay links and description of ceremony. (It is not usual for this email to be a bit delayed. If this occurs we thank you for your patience)

In Ancient Mū, we have the 4 primary primordial lineages. Makali’i, Pleiades , is known as the most contemporary and down to Earth lineage whose experiments excel in Cultivation, Materials/Resources, and Gravity. Those of this lineage are called Mea’Uli, the “blue beings.” Come and learn why this is the most grounded of all the lineages!

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Makali’i, Pleiades, is PART 4 of a 4 part series in which we will explore the experiments of the primary primordial lineages, according to Mū doctrines, whom seeded the intelligence of humanity on Earth.

In Mū, humanity has been seeded 4 primary lineages.
1- Mata-Roro (DRACO)
2-Hōkūle’a (ARCTURUS)
3-A’ā (SIRIUS)
4-Makali’i/Matari’i (PLEIADES)

Each primary lineage carries the responsibility of an “experiment.” This tells us that our reality is based on the recognition, participation, completion and exultation of these experiments.

In this 2 hour virtual workshop, we will explore the three experiments of the PLEIADES Lineage

Lets explore this lineages correlation to the power of GRAVITY and the phenomenon of Carbon/Hydrogen bonding, a software which is essential for the ORGANIC. As the contemporary lineage, the masters of materials and the organic, we get to explore how and why the lineage makes sense a world of FORM.

The objective of this virtual, interactive workshop/ceremony is to translate the Pleiadian lineage in a fundamental, grounded perspective to which we can apply the highest quality of these experiments in our experience here on Earth AND to ensure we are upholding its experiments in high integrity with accuracy.

  • 1st part of virtual workshop will include a ceremonial toning by Iréchikwa, Chichimeca, and Mexica descendent Tiko followed by our community assessment of the lineage of Pleiades, its lore, and review and integration of its 3 experiments.

  • Part 2 may include a portion dedicated to ‘ULU ~ primordial Mū breathing and movement. If there is a breath and movement that best honors the energy of this lineage and its experiments, what is that feel like?

  • Part 3of the Virtual workshop will be our community sharing portion which offers the space for participants to share experiences, memories, insights and pose questions relating to the topic.

    If you are interested in purchasing the REPLAYS for part 1 (DRACO) part 2 (ARCTURUS) and part 3 (SIRIUS)
    click here

    We perceive the exploration of Primary Primordial lineages not to be political in any way. This is an exploration and remembrance of our ho’omaka’ana (ORIGINS).
    We ask that all whom attend and participate do so with great respect to the sacred doctrines of our origins free of the misconceptions which dominate our understandings today .

    if you have purchased replay and have not received email with youtube link first check you spam mail and then feel free to notify us by emailing (please include your order# or the name you’ve registered under)

    Ke’oni Hanalei
    The Lineages of MAKALI’I


We are blessed to enjoy the traditional sound medicine of brother Tiko!

Tiko comes from a lineage of healers and mystics from Mexico and is currently an apprentice of Dr. Lisa Martinez a trained curanderismo practicioner, obsidian worker, and wielder of folk magic. Tiko is of Iréchikwa, Chichimeca, and Mexica descent and dances as prayer in his community with Mitotilitzli Yaoyollohtli