Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine


Pōhala is a blend resourcing hand crafted wild native Hawaiian botanicals, the living expressions of a plants power and what is known as lā’au lapa’au. Highly revered by the ancients as true medicine, this is a reunion of the sacred. All botanicals are infused with the life of the islands.

'Ōhi'a Lehua Spagyric Tincture

'Ōhi'a Lehua Spagyric Tincture


‘Ōhi’a Lehua is the mother of all plant life in Hawai’i. When these islands were barren lava fields, she was the first botanical to thrive as she does not require soil. Over the course of thousands of years her decomposed bodies eventually provided the soil to which all other plant life grew from. For this reason she represents foundation and sensation and holds the codes to Divine Pain.

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‘Ōhi’a Lehua, or Metrosideros polymorpha, is an endemic Hawaiian botanical and a cousin of the myrtle and honeysuckle family and who offers a very brilliant hardwood from trunks and a brilliant red or yellow pom light blossom.

This botanical has long been associated with the goddess Pele and the creator of new life, new ideas, and new beginnings, and most importantly as the gateway of form and the material, of eruptions into Earth Reality. This is not a medicine for everyone. Only those who are willing to enter into the recognition of their sensations and those committing to become truly touched by life will honor her as beneficial.

We live in a Culture of Control where most ideas are fed to us; we are constantly imitating and escaping, relying on others to validate our purpose and meaning. Because of this most are numb. So many have disconnected from their birthright of being touched by life, to truly feel and bond with nature and one another ~ this has led to great separation and violence.

This combined set is intended to stimulate recognition on a spiritual and physical level ~ topically as traditionally spiritual and internal as traditionally physical, though both routes ultimately reach quantum.

Medicinal tincture is made via fermentation (80proof organic alcohol) using the 40 days 40 nights as prescribed by numerous alchemist. Enfleurage is created via solvent extraction of plant matter and emulsified via natural harm-free beeswax with organic hemp and MCT oils.

  • Recommended for those detoxing from synthetic medicines, foods, drink and other numbing factors.

  • Highly supportive for those wishing to enter into deeper states of emotional, spiritual, and physical recognition

  • Tincture comes in a 1/2 ounce dropper

  • Take only a few drops of the tincture daily, not to exceed this amount.

  • Taste of ‘Ōhi’a Lehua tincture is intense with a subtle floral after taste. You may take with non-chlorinated water if you choose.

  • Harvested from pathogen free trees on private property with permission from the custodian. Mahalo!

  • Extraction of medicinal is by way of the spagyric method, a truly pure alchemical process which encompasses the three alchemical elements: Sulphur (Soul), Mercury (Spirit) and Salt (Body). The most powerful form of the plant is its salt(body), this is what holds the botanicals actual DNA. After the the plant avatar(body) has been extracted it is removed from the liquid tincture and reduced to ash. The finest white ash, it’s crystals, is actually its DNA. We augment the tincture by adding the ash and allowing it to dissolve into the liquid. This is what makes a true medicine, or what is commonly referred to as a “potion,” or “elixir.” This form is more bioavailable, making the plant's compounds more potent and effective. 
    To read more on the process of spagyric :