Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine

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The Science of Mystic 'ULU

In ‘ULU, we oscillate our Iwi Kuamo’o (spinal cord) and the Iwiwai (cerebrospinal fluid) to stimulate, or “flex” the nervous system and DNA. This “flexing” and expanding incites a rapid oscillation of the spinal cord, from the huelo (tailbone) to the Loku’ū (pineal and pituitary glands). The quicker the oscillation the more the spinal expands until the oscillation is no longer linear, but quantum (one radiating streamline). This is called WAT-EHT (WADJET), and this will be our focus of study for this webinar.

Come learn and explore the scientific aspects of this phenomenon, how the physiological body - consolidated at the spinal cord and specific glands, create a quantum field within the body, merging quantum with form.

This knowledge comes from the linage of Pōhala founder, Ke’oni Hanalei, whose family can be traced back 1,017 generations, or 20,000 years. At the time of 20,000 years ago were the last vestiges of a culture known as Mū. Many have also named it “Lemuria.”

Ke’oni will take us on a journey of the spinal cord, through the 33 vertebrae, the sacral,lumbar (‘UNIHIPILI), the thoracic (‘UHANE), and the Cervical (‘Aumākua) exploring the functions and methods of the practice ‘ULU which ultimately delivers us into the mysterious Wat-eht.
Ke'oni's Insta

Moku Keawe (Big Island) based ‘ULU practitioner Kelly Sears will host an interactive portion of the webinar, taking participants on a fundamental spinal cord warm-up we call Ka Mea Nui (the essential thing) a long with a vocal activation known as Nā’ū.
Kelly's Insta Page

In many sacred records, we are told of “floods” which have impacted human culture however, these stories regularly tell of physical, elemental floods, though in Mū, we are told of the floods of consciousness, and ‘ULU is a direct link to this phenomenon.

This is a simple one-hour and fifteen minute adventure. All are welcome! Totally free! This is offered via ZOOM, link and password to join listed here:

 ZOOM: The Science of 'ULU

Password: wadjet

Mahalo for your interest and we look forward to seeing you all on the 24th! Also, please note that there is a maximum capacity for this webinar, and so it will be offered on a first come, first admitted basis. Depending on the response we may offer more than one! MAHALO!

Also, please utilize this exploratory sheet for reference during the webinar. We suggest you save it onto your computer or device, or have it printed off.
