Esoteric Hawaiian Botanical Medicine

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VIRTUAL 'ULU: The Hoe (Incantation)

AUGUST 22nd, Saturday, 10am-11:15am HST!!
In order to register and receive ZOOM link and password, simply email Kelly at: be sure to include your full name! Thats it! Don’t worry if you don’t receive confirmation right away - emails will be sent out no later than a week before the workshop!

‘ULU is the primordial movement of the Heart of the Matter. It is by way of ‘ULU did the 1st civilizations, the Mū, acclimate themselves to the physical condition. This is rather significant as it also allowed the human avatar, the DNA structure, to inherit sacred codes and tones of the vibration of Source — or the frequency of cosmic nucleus (God).

In this, our FIRST virtual ‘ULU offering, we will explore the precursor to the art and movement of ‘ULU known as the HOE , the incantation, the resonant voice activation of the three fundamental energy centers:

1 ~ ‘UNIHIPILI - Base self, feminine, WOMB-SPACE, memory, subconscious, safety, foundation, our dreams and ideas

2~’UHANE - Middle self, masculine, HEART-SPACE, action, movement, presence, the here and now, the practical, that of solutions and results

3~’AUMĀKUA - High self, androgynous, CROWN and OUTER BODY SPACE, highest potential, exultation , that which is beyond logic.

Each fundamental center has a specific incantation. It is this incantation, HOE, that activates the center. Once the center is activated, it becomes more responsive and generous during the actual movement designs of ‘ULU.

In this one hour and fifteen minute interactive demonstration you can enjoy this practice in the comfort of your own space. Upon registration we will email you the ZOOM link so that you can tune in!

A pre workshop email will be sent along with the ZOOM link with further instructions, such as useful materials to bring to the group and also some referential information on ‘ULU.

You will be sent the link and pre-workshop email no later than a week before the actual workshop, so don’t worry if you don’t receive a response right away!

You may also read more on ‘ULU on our website: 'ULU

Virtual workshop to be facilitated by Pōhala founder, Ke’oni Hanalei, on Maui , and ‘ULU apprentice Kelly Sears on Moku Keawe.
Registration is SUPER easy — simply request ZOOM link by emailing sister Kelly at:
be sure to include your full name :-)
Sister Kelly’s Insta:
Kelly's Insta Page

Kelly and I are excited to see you all and to share this amazing primordial tradition!!!

In ‘ULU, we oscillate our Iwi Kuamo’o (spinal cord) and the Iwiwai (cerebrospinal fluid) to stimulate, or “flex” the nervous system and DNA. This expands our auric field so that we become apparent of the oscillations of the perceived outside world. The outside world includes the perceived consciousness of the planet, the structured universe, and collective consciousness itself. Our nervous system and DNA send signals, such as “pings,” into this fabric which resonates from us, and the oscillation of the “outside” world is harmonized with our “inner” world. This is when the sacred doctrines floods our perceptions and we become consciously aware of the source intelligence.

In many sacred records, we are told of “floods” which have impacted human culture however, these stories regularly tell of physical, elemental floods, though in Mū, we are told of the floods of consciousness, and ‘ULU is a direct link to this phenomenon.

Earlier Event: May 2
'ULU of the Feminine Mystic (MAUI)
Later Event: October 24
The Science of Mystic 'ULU